ABQ is the world’s first immersive molecular cocktail bar where you get to make and infuse your own drinks in an RV, Breaking Bad style.
Although I haven’t watched Breaking Bad (yes, guilty!) I was still intrigued about the concept of cooking cocktails and I was sure I was going to love it because, as you must already know, I’m an avid fan of immersive experiences.

Upon arrival to the Hackney venue, we saw a huge RV tucked into it. Inside, we could see a bizarre lab scene with people drinking and playing around with lab instruments dressed in yellow hazmats.
Eager to get started, we found staff who brought us to the bar and we were served our welcome cocktail in a glass beaker with a syringe full of a purple liquid we then released into the cocktail, watching the drink go from white to lilac.

It was now time to get dressed in the yellow hazmats and start cooking! We were handed the menu with all the drinks to choose from. You could choose from individual drinks or from drinks that had to be cooked in pairs, or amongst four people.
Upon choosing the drinks, staff would walk you through how to make them as well as give you some security tips (don’t worry, nothing will explode). You don’t need to worry about remembering the instructions as these are written down as well. If you get stuck, they are also very happy to help.
We started with the “420” drink which is to be made for 2 people. It has bourbon, baked brownie sherry as well as CBD infused champagne foam. We had to use dry ice and chemistry to infuse the champagne with CBD, and then turn it into foam. This was the toughest but most fun one to make and the result was sciencelicious!

I followed with the “Ice Ice Janey” and it was such a great idea as essentially it consisted on gin, coconut rice milk, citrus and orange made ice cream using dry ice. Then the ice cream was to be served in three tiny cones to make an ice cream cone cocktail. Ice cream + cocktails, isn’t that the perfect combination?
Pablo had the “CRT Fix” which consisted in Gin, Elderflower, Lime Cucumber and Mint which were then to be infused with Rosemary & Thyme using dry ice as you can see in the first picture. It was crazy how quickly the drink became infused, the rosemary & thyme flavors were so strong!
The ABQ London experience lasts 1h 45min and is priced at £36 which I think is more than fair given that it includes 3 cocktails (one welcome drink and two molecular cocktails). It was a unique experience and I definitely recommend a visit (Breaking Bad fan or not).
If you are hungry make sure to hit up “Saint Pizzeria” which is inside ABQ and makes absolutely delicious vegan pizzas. I did and loved it.
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